Fumatul creste…

Riscul de orbire Voi, care nu vedeți în poza, că e noapte, va zic că a fost eclipsa… Nu la noi, in alta parte, la noi e „pe vine”… Ba, se scumpesc țigările… Și nimic altceva, guvernanții noștri (e cu autocorectu’) nu e de vină, iei merg înainte că, vin alegerile, dar taxa pe viciu…

No yes or yes No?

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals? Rarely, I’m a „giver”… My goals are high, expectations in medium range and realizations few… But, I don’t know how to be different… 🤔

Young lov(h)er

Who was your most influential teacher? Why? My english teacher… She was gorgeous, I was in third grade… She made me learn english and I was pleasing her… With my english knowledge, of course… 🙂

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