si durere in suflet! Prietenul meu bun, Andy Kui, a plecat, azi noapte, sa aprinda o stea… YO2LXB a inchis microfonul pentru totdeauna…
Adio, prieten bun!
Va informez asa, pentru ca mai posta si el aici cate ceva… Fiți sanatosi si aveti grija de voi.
cateva vorbe de ale lui…
Versurile unei melodii a lui Scooter, pe care o asculta cu placere la mine in masina, care acum se potrivesc al naibii de bine:
Walking in the rain
Far away from nowhere
No more noise, just silence
And the music, that’s in my brain.
Walking through the night
A different atmosphere
No more noise, just silence
And the sound, that’s in my ear.
I’m just dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
I’m dancing,
Dancing in the moonlight
Walking down the hill
Listening to the trees
No more noise, just silence
And the raindrops on my shoes
Walking down the beach
Sparkling lights on the water
No more noise, just silence
And by the way, I’m feeling free
I’m just dancing
Dancing in the moonlight
I’m dancing
Dancing in the moonlight…..
Odihneste, drag prieten…